Sunday 17 March 2019

Wow!!! 133 (Legs not birds!!)

I don’t know if there was a hiccup in sending my blog last Sunday. Mary told me she did not get her automated copy, so it is possible there is summut oop!

It was entitled “2 renovated properties with vacant possession…….”   so if you did not get it, and want to read it, just go into my blog and catch up.  (Pity – I thought it was a good one, and it did include an apology… maybe that’s why!!)

I have been diplomatically reminded that I told the truth, but not the whole truth, about our sightings of the Great Grey Shrike last month, at Clumber Park.  So, as I want to sleep with a clear conscience, this is the full (and amended) version.

"We had almost reached the recommended viewing point/bench in the GGS area, when Chris suddenly adopted a pointer dog mode, having spotted a white dot on the top of a bush 50-60 yards ahead. Brilliant!  After a few minutes viewing, the Shrike flew further on and we followed it as far as the bench.

When we stopped, I opened my mobile phone to check the Shrike on my birding app and also to hear what the call would be like.    My hearing is not that good and even if it did call, unless it was up to  the volume of a Corvid, I would be unlikely to hear it. 

As we sat scanning for the bird, another scope toter joined us and asked if we had seen the Shrike. We told him where it was, and he said he knew it was beyond us because he heard it call. We thought it went in a different direction from what he said, but we did not argue.

After another 15 minutes continuously looking by all 3 of us in the direction we had seen it fly, I turned to come back, and immediately saw the Shrike sitting prominently on a spindly tree behind us!!!, even closer than it was before.

But it was only after this chap left us, did it dawn on me that the chap had rushed up the path towards us because he had heard my birding app, not the bird. Guilty as charged – Chris is still laughing about it."

Suitably humbled, I’m afraid the news this week is that there is no news.   I have done no birding, 
and whilst I went to Carsington on Sunday 17th March, I have nothing to add bird-wise.  Mary and I are a bit pre-occupied at the moment, so all I can do is conclude this week’s news with a bit of micro-tibialist news!

First one, spotted on e-bay and £8 later now in my collection, a plastic toothbrush!  It did come with the box, so like antique Dinky Toys maybe that makes it worth double.

 The second one was a kind contribution from Amanda, bought whilst she and her husband were bargain hunting, sorry, bird hunting in Norfolk.  An iron door knocker with a great leg shaped strike… most unusual and a great addition to the collection. As visitors to my house are prone to knock the front door, ignoring the obvious bell, perhaps I should fix it to the front door.

I have high hopes that I will get out to 3 birding locations next week, so I should have some bird news for you.

Happy Birding.

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