Thursday, 12 December 2024

No 37. The End of the Bird Club is nigh !!! 31st December 2024

It will probably not come as a surprise to you to know what I have today announced that I do not intend continuing to run the Allestree Library Birding club after 31st December 2024.   We haver therefore held our last bird watching walk.

Despite some publicity, and much help from Images magazine, we have only attracted one extra birder since day one in 2022 and the time and effort does not warrant continuing.

We have had some enjoyable and memorable walks, and our species count was 95, sadly just short of the ton.    Most walks had something special,  and I can recall Cuckoo,   Red Kite,   Nightjar,   Woodcock,  Marsh Tit and Sparrowhawk to name a few.

I will put anything of interest on this site, for the benefit of any birders who want to follow it.    With some changes in the library operation in the near future in 2025, a different person at the helm may want to start up the club again, maybe at a better time.

I wish you much enjoyment in continuous bird watching, and I hope that your knowledge has expanded from the walks that we have enjoyed in the last 3 years.

Happy Birding

David Bennett 

Friday, 1 November 2024

No 36. Fabulous Marsh Harrier at Willington

 The Allestree Bird Club (ABC) enjoyed it's penultimate walk for 2024, with a morning walk at Willington Gravel Pits. Sadly there were only 2 members present, but they were rewarded with some cracking birds out of the 26 species ticked off.

BOD was without doubt the Marsh Harrier that John was the first to spot as it headed towards us as we stood on the first viewing platform, a life addition to the club records.  

A Great White Egret was a good tick, and from the hide we added a pair of Shovellers, a pair of Egyptian Geese and uncountable snipe all gathered in a bush on what used to be called dead bird island.  There were just too many to count in the large shrub, a fellow birder saying that at one point he had a count of 12 in the group. 

This was the first time I had been to Willington since the opening of the trail that now enables a full circuit of the main Pit, and more.  It is a 4.5 mile circuit, and as we only had 2 1/2 hours at the reserve there was insufficient time to walk right round. The extended path now embraces several more pools plus a walk along the canal edge. Good thought for a future trip, but should include an earlier start and later finish. 

We have one more walk in 2024, Friday 6th December at Carsington Water. We plan to meet there at 10.00am for 2 1/2 hours and I would like to end with a coffee and chat about plans for 2025.   Car sharing is of course possible.

Sadly we only have 5 members plus the leader and a great new years resolution would be for each member to introduce another(different) member!!! Please think on.


Saturday, 5 October 2024

No 35 Double Tree Creeper always a pleasure

 I regret that some of the 2024 bird walks have been cancelled due to health reasons, but yesterday, 4th October, the three surviving and fit members!!!, had a very pleasant couple of hours at Allestree Park. Because of the loitering, watching, hoping and in one case actively using Merlin, a bird identification app on his phone, we did little more than circle the lake.

But it was worth while. The weather was sunny and calm, and we identified 25 species. A small number identified by Merlin have not been included as we are a bird watching group, not a hearing group.

Many years ago on a walk round Drakelow nature reserve my partner hear the call of a Grasshopper warbler, but as it was not seen we had to take his word for it!!!

Yesterday, BOD was contentious. We had to choose between   Jay (flew passed twice) Great Spotted Woodpecker, Tree Creeper  (2 together on Jack's Island,) elusive male Mandarin but finally spotted sitting on a branch.  Jack's island turned out to be very productive, with the sun in the right direction.

So an enjoyable morning.  Next walk is to Willington Gravel Pits (no flooding expected!!) meeting at the site at 9.30.  The site access area has been increased so it will be a case of deciding our route when we get there.

Transport can be shared if fellow birders liaise with ne.

Happy Birding   

Saturday, 28 September 2024

No 34. ABC Walk Friday October 4th Allestree Park 10.00am

 A quick reminder that the next Allestree Bird Club walk will be next Friday, 4th October.

We are spending the morning in Allestree Park, meeting at 10.00am in the car park off the A6. Parking is in the tree area at the top of the rise, and before what would have been a golf fairway!!!  Meet there

It will be interesting to see whether the DCC wilding scheme has made any visible changes for birds, and no doubt the lake will give us a few "hits".

Just for the record, the remaining dates for 2024 are..

        Friday  November   1st        Willington Gravel Pits

        Friday  December    6th        Carsington Water... following which we will have an in-field board meeting about 2025!!!

Let's hope health and the weather stay good for the walk!!! 


Saturday, 27 July 2024

No 33. Definite BOD for ABC - a Green Sandpiper.

Allestree Bird Club walk - 26th July 2024.   Attenborough nature reserve

It turned out to be a pleasant sunny day and with only 7,419 steps each four members had an enjoyable walk combined with a lengthy spell in the tower hide.  David picked up the Green Sandpiper in the Ridge and Furrow field, taking Mikes' YTD to the mid 170's. His scope ensured we all had good views.

30 different species for just 2.5 hours was rewarding and if the brown and white duck could have been identified and the Green Woodpecker seen, it would have been even better. Eric with his Merlin bird ID app, confirmed that the lovely song from an elusive bird, was a male Blackcap. (It did need our ultimate sighting to be sure it was a male!)

Next walk is another first for the group... a day trip.

On Friday 6th September, leaving Allestree at 8.30am, we are spending the day at the RSPB reserve at Frampton Marsh.  The site is on the Lincs coast, South of Boston and we expect to get back to Derby c6.00pm, giving us 5 1/2 hours birding.  September is a good month and we should expect to see 30 > 40 species+ 

 There is a small cafe or take a picnic. Admission charge is just £5 for the car park so shared transport is a good idea.   Book via the library or via the leader 01332557942.

Happy birding 

Saturday, 6 July 2024

No 32 ............... Back to a favourite...Attenborough Gravel Pits .. and plans for the future.

  Sadly due to a couple of cancellations for one reason another, the walk to a different birding site, Annersley Tip, last Friday on 5th July had to be aborted.  

So ever the optimist, and as I will be in Devon for the first Friday in August the next walk will be on  Friday 26th July when we are visiting one of my favourite birding sites, Attenborough Nature Reserve at Attenborough Gravel Pits.  Post code is NG9 6DY.

For those wanting to share transport, I will be leaving 8 Braithwell Close at 9.30am and plan to be back there for 1.00pm. That gives us 2.5 hours at the Reserve. 

To mark your cards now!!!, in September, we are going to try a full day trip, to RSPB Frampton Marsh on the east coast near Boston. Mike and I know this site well, and it has a number of hides, a visitor centre with facilities and a coffee machine!! It does take about 2 hours to get there, so I aim to leave Allestree at 8.30, getting back at about 5.30pm, and giving 5 hours around the site.  A picnic lunch would make sense, as does sharing transport.

The date for Frampton Marsh is FRIDAY 6th September

Let's hope we DO meet up soon!!



Sunday, 16 June 2024

No 31. Another Nottingham Nature Reserve for Allestree Bird Club - Annesley Tip

I'm just back from a holiday in Majorca. Although I did not do much birding, I did visit S'Albufeira a well known and large nature reserve in the North East of the island.   Facilities are limited, but there are 8 hides which give good views out of the sun.

The main birds of interest were 2 Squacco Herons, many Glossy Ibis's, Purple Galinules (or Swamp Hens as we call them), 13 Flamingos, Black Winged Stilts, Kentish Plover, and invisible Nightingales. 

In addition our hotel had Hoopoes, Audouin Guuls, Mediterranean Flycatchers... and we also had sightings of a bird club member on the prom!!!!

Anyway, In case you are planning to go on the club trip on 5th July, to Annesley Tip Nature Reserve under your own steam, this is the route from Allestree.

First find whatever route you prefer to the M1 at Junction 27.

Cross the M1 east on the A608 and at the end of a short dual carriageway, the third roundabout, turn north on the A611.  Half a mile turn Rt on a non classified road to Annesley, and continue for about 1 mile until you see a small triangle on the left. Turn left and follow the road in a residential area, cross the rail line, and the nature reserve car park is on the left.   10.00am is the meeting time. Terrain maybre scrubby but it won't be flooded!!!

Sat Nav if  you want it..... NG15 OBS   (Approximately!)


Friday, 24 May 2024

No 30 Nightjar and Woodcock - worth the freeze!

Welcome to………………………….. sorry the location is secret! Let’s just say it was not far from Darley Dale.

But it was a site known well enough for Mike to direct us to an open area renowned for Woodcock and Nightjar.   And despite my 6 layers of clothing it was still b****y cold.  We started slowly, but in the dying light we enjoyed hearing and ultimately seeing, an invisible Willow Warbler singing away, and we also heard a Cuckoo several times. 

The patience of we 4 was rewarded with at least 14 sightings of Woodcock, but there was no way of knowing if we were seeing the same bird toying with us 14 times,  or whether it was 14 different birds… probably the former, but Eric and Mike did spot 2 together at one time so we will never know..

This new destination turned out to be almost what we expected (although we did miss the Tree Pipits), and patience and shivering was compensated by a reasonable view of one Nightjar on a dead tree. It was thanks to Mike's telescope that we all had a reasonable view of the back of the bird to aid it's identification and Nightjar churring added to the experience.

For regulars just to mark your card, the next walk  FRIDAY 5th JULY   is to another new location,   Annesley Gravel Pits where there is a Free car park,  right by Newstead Station.  As it is a slightly longer journey, we plan to leave Allestree at 9.00am and be back for c12.45.

Contact the library to book a place.

Happy Birding




Friday, 3 May 2024

No 29 The first trip in 2024.... without Wellies!!!

 Friday-early-   "It's going to rain!!!"     It didn't!!!,  in fact four bird club members had a pleasant, but a bit cool,  couple of hours walking up and down Wyver Lane, Belper.

The bird feeders were sadly empty so no sign of the Marsh Tits, but we still had a good list of 31 species.

A marauding Red Kite, always a thrill, needed binoculars for a good view as did a few House Martins and Swallows. The mixed bird song was so strong, but sighting was frustrated by the blossoming  leaves.

On the summer visitor list apart from Swallow  and House Martin, we had good views of Chiffchaff, Whitethroat and finally a very smart male Blackcap....  I know, he may have been here all winter!! 

 Forward thinking....

Friday 24th May.      Matlock Moor... Now changed to Thursday 23rd May. Nightjar and Woodcock and maybe more dusk birds.  Leaving Allestree (8 Braithwell Close) at 7.00pm, on the Moors 7.45 to 9.30 and hope c 10.30pm.   Tel  01332 557942 to book, and check travel arrangements. 

Friday 5th July        Annesley Tip, near Newstead Notts. Usual morning walk  NG15 0BS.  About 22 miles from Derby. Leave Allestree 9.30am.

Happy Birding

Friday, 5 April 2024

No 28 fact 28 species!!

Friday April 5th four members of the Allestree Bird Club donned wellies for the adventure course down the Willington wetland pathway.  Sadly one pair of wellies was more fashionable than functional, as evidence by the water emptying session at the end!!

Despite my doing a recce on Thursday, it became clear on Friday that whilst the initial part of the  pathway was OK in boots, from the Beaver gate it just seemed to get deeper. So the morning was spent in a lazy stroll around the new housing site, listening to the continuous chiffchaffs and also the lovely"cronk" call of a number of Ravens.  It was only Mike who spotted a Kingfisher dashing down a water course, and it was BOD only for him (Bird of the Day). Our BOD was a Song Thrush, actually a new addition to the ABC life list. All things considered 28 was a good count.


Wyver Lane on FRIDAY MAY 3rd is the next walk. Previous trips to Wyver have been rewarding We meet at 10.00am at the gravel layby down Wyver lane, on the right, and shortly after the hide.   Contact David at 01332 557942 to confirm a place and check for car sharing.

The June walk is the first special for 2024.   We are having an evening walk to Matlock Moor to hopefully see dusk birds, Nightjars and Woodcocks.  Owls are also possible. Because David is on holiday on Friday 7th June, we have pulled the monthly meeting back to FRIDAY 24th MAY. at 7.00pm

Again, book a place via David, as this will definitely be a car sharing trip.... and torches will be useful!!   Midge cream may be needed, a drink of some sort, and probably finish c 10.00pm.  A new experience for those new to birding.

Keep watching


Friday, 1 March 2024

No 27. Rain stopped play!!

 7.00am this morning it looked good. 8.00am it didn't.   

So I'm sorry but the sensible decision, at the time, was to cancel the walk at Carsington Water. Particularly unfortunate because almost a record count of 5 people were down for the walk  There are not many places to hide at Carsington, we could have retreated in the 2 hides, but not for two hours.

Mike, who is a regular volunteer on a Tuesday at the reservoir, reported that the Cattle Egret which had been around for a couple of weeks, and would have been a great bird to tick had not been seen for a couple of days although the Great Northern Diver is still around.

Looking forward, next walk is Friday 5th April and the plan is to visit Willington Gravel Pits. You will recall we went there in January, only having to abort to Eggington due to the flooded path.  From recent reports Willington has continued to be very wet throughout February, so we can but hope that things will improve in the next 35 days!!! 

Not a good start to the plans for 2024, 1 lost through illness, 1 through weather and 1 wrecked by floods.

Prayer mats out please.


Friday, 2 February 2024

No 26. ABC Future walks in February & March 2024

As sadly due to illness the February 2nd walk to Attenborough was cancelled. Pity because in a reconnaissance visit on the previous Wednesday, 30 species were easily found, and a Blue Tit on my finger tips was indicative of the desperation for food.

The next walk is on Friday1st March to Carsington Waters.  The Great Northern Diver is still likely to be around and winter visitors are not yet leaving for the summer.

Meet at the ticket machine at the centre at 10.00am.   DE6 1ST 

In case plans need to be changed, please ring the library (01332 559761) to book a space and leave a contact number so you can be contacted. We may be able to share cars sharing petrol and parking fees.

There are a number of posters around Allestree about future dates and venues... by all means bring a friend!!!




Thursday, 25 January 2024

No 25 Update

 As no one has read the first 2 posts that I have put on my blog in 2024, I will have to consider whether it is worth writing. The first one included the January walk bird sightings at Markeaton park. The second was a list of the first 6 proposed birding venues for 2024.

This is just a reminder that the next walk is a week tomorrow, Friday 2nd February 2024, to Attenborough Gravel Pits, meeting at 10.00am, near the ticket machine, finishing at 12.30.

NOTE    After my now resolved but unsatisfactory issue with my double charge for parking, I was informed that the parking payment procedure has slightly changed.    I visited the site yesterday and now see that the first 30 minutes is free. Also the sign states "You do not need to pay for parking on entry" , which means that you pay when you leave.   In that way you will only pay once.

I became aware of the slightly changed procedure, by a friend who paid on entry, and then paid again when he left.   Why he went to the machine twice, I've no idea!!!! He won't do that again.

So to reiterate, to park at Attenborough Gravel Pits, the maximum charge for one day is £3. HOWEVER I remain unsure whether leaving the car park, say to go to MacDonalds, and coming back for the afternoon, will be electronicly recorded as one or two visits.   Just be careful.

See you on the 2nd.


Wednesday, 10 January 2024

No 24 Allestree Bird Club Walks >>>>> 30th June 2024


Allestree Bird Club   Part of Allestree Library.

Proposed Birding Site Visits 2024

Always check Bird Club Blog   =

First Friday of each month. 9.30 > 12.30


January         5          Markeaton Park                  10.00am.  launch meeting – Library

February       2          Attenborough GP               10.00am. Attenborough car park

March            1          Carsington Water               10.00am  Visitor Centre

April               5          Willington Gravel Pits        10.00am  Gravel Pits car park

May                3          Wyver Lane Belper             10.00am  Half way down lane

May                24       MATLOCK MOOR  (New)    7.00 pm  local Car park.  3 hour evening walk

Most departure times geared to leaving Allestree at c9.30am.

Car sharing wherever possible… well recommended!! Mileage 15p per mile shared by car passengers! New participants very welcome!

Dates or sites could vary depending on circumstances. Keep up to date with changes at

Contact >>>      David Bennett     01332 557942   or  Library                    01332 559761

Friday, 5 January 2024

No 23. Squirrel mania at Markeaton!!!

With water levels frighteningly high in parts of Derbyshire, it was fortunate that the first walk for 2024 was to Markeaton Park.  Yes it was wet underfoot but the four birders on the walk had a non-muddy morning.  

We met at the library to distribute the timetable and plans for the forthcoming year and after a welcoming hot drink, set off for a couple of hours in the park.  Not a mind blowing number of species but better than the last visit to the site (19), and 23 ticks included one or two goodies and, for our troubles, we added a lifer to our all-time list.

Loitering in the woods behind the Mundy centre added a pair of Goldcrests and a single Tree Creeper, but it was on the return journey that the Mistle Thrush was identified by Mike, taking our life list to 85.

David put some mixed seed on the empty feeder table near the dog cemetery, with almost instant results. Coal Tits arrived quickly and in due course a goodly number of delicate Stock Doves joined in with 4 clamouring together on the table.   

But the hi-lite was not Avian....... it was the Grey Squirrels that had heard the news about the seed availability ! Despite our best efforts to shoo off the first Squirrel to arrive, when it got to 7 relatives we gave up and just stood and watched the feasting.

The only other notable birds were a Little Egret on the main lake, and Nuthatches on the bridge by the duck pond.

  Next walk is on Friday 2nd February, at Attenborough Notts Gravel Pits. Up to three people are welcome to share my car, leaving at 9.30, or meet at Attenborough car park at 10.00am.  The walk will last from 10.00am to 12.30, but birders can stay as long as they wish.

Happy Birding.        David