Monday, 18 November 2019

The Monthly Flyer Bonus issue - November 2019

My given title is absolutely appropriate for this bonus post.  Read on -

THE MONTHLY FLYER   No 4(a).    November 2019

Saturday 2nd November 2019, the day when my family witnessed my “coming out” in an area that they had always thought I was 100% true to my beliefs!!    Yes - they were to witness a happening the likes of which they had never seen before.

I had told them about my witnessing a similar activity in c1953 in Navarino Road, Hackney but both then and since that time I had always been true to my beliefs and never wavered from them.

This time we were “en famile” in London at a restaurant on the North bank of the Thames, celebrating a significant 50th birthday so it was not an occasion when they expected to hear about my weakness of (or even “for”..) the flesh. Whilst the group felt they knew all there was to know about me, it was to be an incredible surprise (and a privilege for them!!) to watch this unprecedented moment.

There have been a number of similar and difficult decisions to make in my life, when I could not decide which one to choose, and here once again I was faced with a dilemma to resolve. Mary was heard to say “you go first” a common remark from her, which put the pressure on me… no more time to think or ponder….I had to make the landmark choice.  It wasn’t but it could have been, on my bucket list.

It was unprecedented, and only on one occasion in Spain some 30 years ago had I found myself with a similar sort of dining landmark decision. On that occasion, my choice was overtaken by a “Hobsons Choice” situation which was forced upon me, thereby removing my options. 

This 2019 momentous decision, admittedly mine, has made me ponder extensively whether or not I have previously encountered such a situation and whether in fact I should be said to be a hypocrite and therefore no need to “come out” as I am “out” already.

“Coming out” is the moment when you publicly acknowledge that you have an opinion, a view, a way of life, or a secret aptitude or leaning towards something that you have previously preferred to keep quiet.

At this point as I reflect on previous weak moments in my life, and decide whether I am indeed a hypocrite, I must confess that the event of the 2nd November was equally a surprise to me (and to others, and my readers), and was very close to being precedented twice before.  

And, yet I don’t know.    Where was the precedent?  It certainly was not (1-a) Chrysolophus Pictus but more probably  (1-b)Phasianus Colchicus, both memorable in their different ways. It could also have been (2) Gallus Gallus Domesticus.    Do they both breach my ethical view? They both fall in the same categories in one way, but not in another.  In the case of the first, it has a running speed of c30mph, but in the latter a record flight of only 13 seconds.

And another factor, which is the appropriate adjective? Wild, Feral or Tame? Does it make a difference?

I HAVE REACHED A CONCLUSION and decided that I do not need to come out, because I am already “out”.  I am not a vegan or a vegetarian, but an outright carnivore. Which is why my starter at the excellent meal at The Sky Garden Restaurant in the Fenchurch building (also known as The Walkie Talkie) in the city of London was ....... Feral Pigeon!!

The Feral bit still bothers me. I can recall occasions at Carsington Water when I have suggested that Severn Trent should institute a self-service scheme to pick your goose for Xmas. This would be a) a money earner; and b) help keep the Canada Goose stock down.

I cannot therefore help but wonder whether, when the Chef at our restaurant has an order in the kitchen for Feral Pigeon, does he pop down Fenchurch Street and select one of the plumpest resident pigeons. 

ANYWAY, I must admit that for a first-time experience, I did enjoy Pigeon. The meat was firm, red and very tasty and there was not a scrap left on my plate.

By way of nostalgia, this is picture of a Derby relative of my now deceased City of London Pigeon.

This one's name is Graham.

And what does Mary dish up last Sunday lunch?.......... Duck in a Cantonese style plum sauce – equally delicious.

I feel somewhat hypocritical to end with my usual post with “Happy Birding”… so instead "Bon Appetit."

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