Sunday, 31 January 2016

50 birds at Slimbridge – well worth getting wet.

I’m afraid I was so pleased with the trip to Scotland that I just had to do a post PDQ, so I’m catching up. So before I was interrupted.....

Monday January 11 > 14 - 4 days and no birds to talk about..bad news for the 2016 target stuck on 76. Mary and I had a 2-day non-birding trip to and from Surrey, hoping to see Ring Necked Parakeet and Red Kite, but as it was dusk both ways we saw Zilch.

My first Parakeet was in August 1994 at Desborough Island Water Works near Walton-on-Thames Surrey (per my bird records!!!). It was alleged (and subsequently heavily debated) that a few had escaped from a film set at Shepperton studios, or even that Jimmi Hendrix released a pair in the sixties in Carnaby Street. They have multipled widely (and wildly!) and are mainly seen around South London. They are now designated (as with Crows, Magpies, Woodpigeons and even Collared Doves) as a pest which can be disposed of if causing harm or damage. Sad when they are rarities in the Midlands. 

One of our volunteers saw one in Markeaton Park a couple of times in June and July 2010.

Monday January 18 time to do my weekly 2 hour walk at Markeaton and POW!! 34 species in 2 hours. Many of the usual suspects, but started well with a Sparrowhawk passing through (high up and no sign of bird panic!),Goosanders on the main lake up to 9, then right at the end near the A38, a Kingfisher crossed my line of vision. I quickly rounded the end of the lake, look back at the overhanging trees, and there was the little beauty..head bobbing as he kept adjusting his vision to the water, which is well stocked with fish. First one for Markeaton this year; just as I was about to leave, a Little Egret soared up from the reeds around the lake, only the 4th sighting at the park. 

A late related PS. A colleague saw a Little Grebe on the lake on the 27th so let’s hope it stays.

Then came the Scotland trip, a licence, sorry a present from my wife - and I returned to Chez Bennett with a record to date, of 106.... this pace cannot continue!

Popped in to Carsington on Sunday 24th, and added the Barnacle Geese ( I know.. they are Feral birds), and the Leucistic Snipe was still visible.

Tuesday January 26th (my birthday, but still out birding) Christine (everyone calls her Chris) and I had a VERY wet day at Slimbridge (that is not the Slim Bridge who did a comment on my blog!).

We did have a look at the reed bed opposite the Travel Lodge on the East of Gloucester hoping to see the Penduline Tits, but no other cars in the lay-by gave negative vibes, as did the rain. Made the mistake of later checking Bird Guides web site... and they were there!!   Must try again on Feb 8 on the way to Exmouth. Incidentally it was Exmouth (well Darts Farm at Topsham, where I saw them on 2nd March last year.)

Anyway, despite the progressive rain increase from showery to heavy, we visited most of the hides, and saw an impressive 50 - species. Green Plovers and Golden Plovers abounded, and Wigeon were everywhere. 3 Cranes dropped in which was nice, and 3 Avocets, loads of Dunlin, and although there was  not a raptor to be seen my list moved on to an impressive 113 (well I’m impressed!).

Wednesday January 27th  no birding, but I’ve just booked a bird trip round Christchurch harbour on 23rd Feb.. rumour has it that if they get overbooked, one group goes out in a that will be fun with a tripod.

Next week is going to be a bit ad hoc on trips, but I’ll find some interesting news.

Keep   Birding.

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