Thursday, 24 December 2015

The Diary of a dedicated amateur bird watcher

As a keen bird watcher, my greatest satisfaction is to be able to share my bird sighting experiences with others, so that hopefully, they come to understand why I get so much pleasure from this recreation, and discover for themselves what enjoyment is out there just waiting to be found.

 I am able to do this in several ways:-

1.       As a volunteer Ranger at Carsington water in Derbyshire, I lead a monthly bird walk for beginners and in a 2 hour walk we aim to see 30+ species and explain to the public what to look for and how to identify certain birds for themselves.
For beginners, Coot v Moorhen, Bullfinch v Chaffinch and Canada Goose v Barnacle Goose are just some of the hurdles they have to cross. With c1000 Coots at the reservoir they  are not a problem, but Black Headed Gull v Common Gull needs more explanations.

The reward is the people who come back for another walk, evidence that I have “made a sale”!

2.       Manning the wildlife centre brings me into contact with people who want to know more about birds, and letting them use top quality telescopes and binoculars, brings the birds much closer, and heightens enjoyment. Particularly true with children!

3.       A Powerpoint presentation about the Carsington Water Osprey Project has enabled me to talk to hundreds of members of wildlife groups and walking societies, and at the same time I can embellish the talks with interesting stories, experiences and anecdotes which make ornithology that much more enjoyable.

4.       But just being out birdwatching with my binoculars round my neck, frequently produces the question “Anything special around?” which is enough to get a conversation going.

....but the most frustrating is to see something a bit special when there is no one to share it with!!

So this is where this weekly column comes in.

I start at the beginning of 2016.  As a keen diarist, statistician, and with a past record of writing articles for local papers and publications, this blog  is going to be MY weekly jottings, to share  where I have been, what I have seen, and the enjoyment and experiences encountered along the way. And a few anecdotes and birding tips for good measure.

Why not follow my experiences, and maybe you will get to know some of the good birding sites around Derbyshire and some much further away.  I hope you will enjoy my style!

The very first report will be on my site on SUNDAY January 10th 2016.  An extended week because Jan 1 is New Year recovery day, but I promise you the 2nd to the 10th will make up for it!!

1 comment:

  1. Hoorah the Birdman! I'm honoured to be the first (I think) to post a comment and look forward to reading your reports.
    Big Al.
