Monday 20 August 2018

An Ode to the NHS

I’m glad to say I’m back again, it can't get any worse,
So I thought for a change that I would write this post in verse.

My Pneumonia came back again, on Wednesday August 8,
So it was blues and twos this time – I got there very late.

The Royal welcomed me back in, to wait in A & E,
And finally found me a bed at twenty five past three.

And so began a 10 day stay with samples, drips and drugs,
All working hard to find and kill my bad infection bugs.

Before I went the second time, the specialist told me,
I’m sorry but I think you need a sig-moid-oscopy.

Apart from diver-ti-cula the test showed nothing up,
so it was to recovery for biscuits and a cup (of tea!).

(UP is the way the tube goes in, it does sound quite obscene!,
But it’s the only way they have to check my intestine.)

Whilst doing all the research work, mainly around my chest,
The consultant said “just one more test, but please remove your vest”.

I’ll give you a bronchoscopy, it will go down your gob,
It may just numb your throat a bit but you won’t feel it throb.

We’ll spray some strong banana tasting drug straight down your throat
You will become light headed and feel like you can float.

Two years ago a throat camera disclosed my cancer scare,
So going down the same way made me very much aware.

But when the scan was over, we were quickly told “OK-
There is nothing there to be concerned – you can both go away!”

If both the scans were done as one, would oscopys collide?
I don’t know how big the tubes are, I hope there’s room inside.

But Sigmoid meeting Brocho is a thought that will prevail,
to make me think of London tubes, and joining of cross-rail!!

The seventeen days in Hospital were calm with little stress
All due to the great caring from the Derby N H S.

But now I'm home with Mary and the family nearby,
I'll have to get back to my blog - well I will have to try!!!  


1 comment:

  1. It's not often I am stuck for words although I'm surprised that you managed to pen this at all....less G in the T next time perhaps.
    There is a rumour that Pam Ayres is threatening to sue....
    Not much to add on the birding front apart from a flock of Linnets seen on the cliff and a Jay heard close by early this morning.
    I've been surprised how well patronised the bird feeders are at the moment, given the racket going on outside!
    Your next blog, after a suitable period of sustained full English, will hopefully be on matters birding.
    But as before, it's softly, softly....
