Saturday 27 July 2024

No 33. Definite BOD for ABC - a Green Sandpiper.

Allestree Bird Club walk - 26th July 2024.   Attenborough nature reserve

It turned out to be a pleasant sunny day and with only 7,419 steps each four members had an enjoyable walk combined with a lengthy spell in the tower hide.  David picked up the Green Sandpiper in the Ridge and Furrow field, taking Mikes' YTD to the mid 170's. His scope ensured we all had good views.

30 different species for just 2.5 hours was rewarding and if the brown and white duck could have been identified and the Green Woodpecker seen, it would have been even better. Eric with his Merlin bird ID app, confirmed that the lovely song from an elusive bird, was a male Blackcap. (It did need our ultimate sighting to be sure it was a male!)

Next walk is another first for the group... a day trip.

On Friday 6th September, leaving Allestree at 8.30am, we are spending the day at the RSPB reserve at Frampton Marsh.  The site is on the Lincs coast, South of Boston and we expect to get back to Derby c6.00pm, giving us 5 1/2 hours birding.  September is a good month and we should expect to see 30 > 40 species+ 

 There is a small cafe or take a picnic. Admission charge is just £5 for the car park so shared transport is a good idea.   Book via the library or via the leader 01332557942.

Happy birding 

Saturday 6 July 2024

No 32 ............... Back to a favourite...Attenborough Gravel Pits .. and plans for the future.

  Sadly due to a couple of cancellations for one reason another, the walk to a different birding site, Annersley Tip, last Friday on 5th July had to be aborted.  

So ever the optimist, and as I will be in Devon for the first Friday in August the next walk will be on  Friday 26th July when we are visiting one of my favourite birding sites, Attenborough Nature Reserve at Attenborough Gravel Pits.  Post code is NG9 6DY.

For those wanting to share transport, I will be leaving 8 Braithwell Close at 9.30am and plan to be back there for 1.00pm. That gives us 2.5 hours at the Reserve. 

To mark your cards now!!!, in September, we are going to try a full day trip, to RSPB Frampton Marsh on the east coast near Boston. Mike and I know this site well, and it has a number of hides, a visitor centre with facilities and a coffee machine!! It does take about 2 hours to get there, so I aim to leave Allestree at 8.30, getting back at about 5.30pm, and giving 5 hours around the site.  A picnic lunch would make sense, as does sharing transport.

The date for Frampton Marsh is FRIDAY 6th September

Let's hope we DO meet up soon!!
