For any of you who still get one of the rare posts that I post on the Allestree Bird Man, I have now changed the blog name to the Allestree Bird Club, although it is still reached via the web blog site Allesbirdtree.
This is because I have set up thia new group at Allestree library and so far all we have was an inaugural meeting on July 1, but six people did attend! We will meet on the first friday of each month at 10.30, and after a 30 minute chat, plan to go for 60/90 minutes to a nearby birding site.
The widget whereby you could register to receive a copy of any new post that I posted and w for which you had registered, appears to be no longer available, but if you still have the widget, I don't think it has been withdrawn for existing users.
So just to let you know what might seem strange, but I am still trying to encourage people to go birding.